Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education

University of Arts

Licensing Document: VKM Nr. 234, datë 23.03.2011
Accreditation Document: Vendim BA Nr. 17, datë 24.03.2022
Category: University
Type: Public
Status: Active
Address: Sheshi Nënë Tereza, Tiranë
Tel: +355 4 2225488
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.uart.edu.al
  1. Akreditim institucional
  1. Akreditim institucional
Master i Arteve Ceramic Sculpture and Teaching
Master i Arteve Sculpture and Teaching
Master i Arteve Multimedia Painting and Teaching
Master i Arteve Textile Painting & Fashion and Teaching
Master i Arteve Easel Painting and Teaching
Master i Arteve Monumental Painting and Teaching
Master i Arteve Graphic Painting and Teaching
Master i Arteve Film and Television Directing and Teaching
Master i Arteve Choreography and Teaching
Master i Arteve Scenography-Costume Design and Teaching
Master i Arteve Theater and Performance Directing and Teaching
Master i Arteve Acting and Teaching
Master i shkencave Musicology and Teaching
Master i Arteve Composition and Teaching
Master i Arteve Conducting and Teaching
Master i Arteve Canto and Teaching
Master i Arteve Trombone and Teaching
Master i Arteve Trumpet and Teaching
Master i Arteve Horn and Teaching
Master i Arteve Clarinet and Teaching
Master i Arteve Bassoon and Teaching
Master i Arteve Oboe and Teaching
Master i Arteve Flute and Teaching
Master i Arteve Doublebass and Teaching
Master i Arteve Violoncello and Teaching
Master i Arteve Viola and Teaching
Master i Arteve Violin and Teaching
Master i Arteve Piano and Teaching
Master profesional Tuba and Teaching
Master profesional Accordion and Teaching
Master profesional Guitar and Teaching
Master profesional Music Education and Teaching
Bachelor Photography
No. Study program Information
1 Bachelor Muzikë Jazz HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
2 Bachelor Perkusion HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
3 Bachelor Fotografi HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 33 datë 07.02.2025 Vlefshmëria 02-07-2025 deri më 02-06-2029
4 Bachelor Skulpturë Qeramikë HEI Unit: Department of Sculpture
5 Bachelor Pikturë Kavalet HEI Unit: Department of Painting
6 Bachelor Pikturë Tekstilë dhe Modë HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts
7 Bachelor Pikturë Monumentale HEI Unit: Department of Painting
8 Bachelor Pikturë Multimedia HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts
9 Bachelor Pikturë Grafikë HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts
10 Bachelor Violinë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
11 Bachelor Dirizhim HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
12 Bachelor Këngëtarë HEI Unit: Faculty of Music
13 Bachelor Fryma HEI Unit: Faculty of Music
14 Bachelor Harqe HEI Unit: Faculty of Music
15 Bachelor Fizarmonikë Klasike HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
16 Bachelor Pedagogji Muzikore HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
17 Bachelor Kanto HEI Unit: Department of Canto
18 Bachelor Bas-tub HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
19 Bachelor Trombonë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
20 Bachelor Trombë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
21 Bachelor Korno HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
22 Bachelor Fagot HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
23 Bachelor Klarinetë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
24 Bachelor Oboe HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
25 Bachelor Flaut HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
26 Bachelor Kontrabas HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
27 Bachelor Kitarë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
28 Bachelor Violë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
29 Bachelor Violinçel HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
30 Bachelor Piano HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
31 Bachelor Muzikologji HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
32 Bachelor Kompozicion HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
33 Bachelor Skulpturë HEI Unit: Department of Sculpture
34 Bachelor Koreografi HEI Unit: Department of Scenography-Choreography
35 Bachelor Skenografi - Kostumografi HEI Unit: Department of Scenography-Choreography
36 Bachelor Regji HEI Unit: Department of Direction and Film & TV Direction
37 Bachelor Aktrim HEI Unit: Department of Acting and Theory
38 Bachelor Regji Filmi dhe Televizioni HEI Unit: Department of Direction and Film & TV Direction
39 Professional Master Bastub dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 156 datë 14.09.2024 Vlefshmëria 09-14-2024 deri më 09-13-2029
40 Professional Master Fizarmonikë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 35 datë 12.01.2024 Vlefshmëria 01-12-2024 deri më 01-11-2030
41 Professional Master Kitarë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 37 datë 12.01.2024 Vlefshmëria 01-12-2024 deri më 01-11-2028
42 Professional Master Pedagogji Muzikore dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 112 datë 17.05.2024 Vlefshmëria 05-17-2024 deri më 05-16-2029
43 Professional Master Bas-tub HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
44 Professional Master Pedagogji Muzikore HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
45 Professional Master Fizarmonikë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
46 Professional Master Kitarë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
47 Master of Science Muzikologji dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 109 datë 17.05.2024 Vlefshmëria 05-17-2024 deri më 05-16-2029
48 Master of Science Mësuesi Arti HEI Unit: Faculty of Fine Arts
49 Master of Science Muzikologji HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
50 Phd Arte Pamore HEI Unit: Department of Painting
51 Phd Muzikologji HEI Unit: Faculty of Music
52 Phd Arte Skenike HEI Unit: Faculty of Dramatic Art
53 MND Interpretim me profil: a. Flaut; b. Klarinetë; c. Muzikë Dhome; ç. Piano; d. Violinë; dh. Violinçel; e. Violë HEI Unit: Faculty of Music
54 MND Muzikologji HEI Unit: Faculty of Music
55 MND Kompozim HEI Unit: Faculty of Music
56 Master of Arts Skulpturë Qeramike dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Sculpture

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 120 datë 28.06.2024 Vlefshmëria 06-28-2024 deri më 06-27-2029
57 Master of Arts Skulpturë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Sculpture

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 124 datë 28.06.2024 Vlefshmëria 06-28-2024 deri më 06-27-2029
58 Master of Arts Pikturë Multimedia dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 130 datë 28.06.2024 Vlefshmëria 06-28-2024 deri më 06-27-2029
59 Master of Arts Pikturë Tekstili dhe Modë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 131 datë 28.06.2024 Vlefshmëria 06-28-2024 deri më 06-27-2029
60 Master of Arts Pikturë Kavaleti dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Painting

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 102 datë 17.05.2024 Vlefshmëria 05-17-2024 deri më 05-16-2028
61 Master of Arts Pikturë Monumentale dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Painting

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 103 datë 17.05.2024 Vlefshmëria 05-17-2024 deri më 05-16-2028
62 Master of Arts Pikturë Grafik dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 101 datë 17.05.2024 Vlefshmëria 05-17-2024 deri më 05-16-2029
63 Master of Arts Regji Filmi dhe Televizioni dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Direction and Film & TV Direction

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 122 datë 28.06.2024 Vlefshmëria 06-28-2024 deri më 06-27-2029
64 Master of Arts Koreografi dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Scenography-Choreography

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 107 datë 17.05.2024 Vlefshmëria 05-17-2024 deri më 05-16-2029
65 Master of Arts Skenografi - Kostumografi dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Scenography-Choreography

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 123 datë 28.06.2024 Vlefshmëria 06-28-2024 deri më 06-27-2029
66 Master of Arts Regji Teatri dhe Spektakli dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Direction and Film & TV Direction

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 155 datë 14.09.2024 Vlefshmëria 09-14-2024 deri më 09-13-2029
67 Master of Arts Aktrim dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Acting and Theory

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 32 datë 12.01.2024 Vlefshmëria 01-12-2024 deri më 01-11-2029
68 Master of Arts Kompozim dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 106 datë 17.05.2024 Vlefshmëria 05-17-2024 deri më 05-16-2029
69 Master of Arts Dirizhim dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 33 datë 12.01.2024 Vlefshmëria 01-12-2024 deri më 01-11-2029
70 Master of Arts Kanto dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Canto

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 104 datë 17.05.2024 Vlefshmëria 05-17-2024 deri më 05-16-2029
71 Master of Arts Trombon dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 129 datë 28.06.2024 Vlefshmëria 06-28-2024 deri më 06-27-2029
72 Master of Arts Trombë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 128 datë 28.06.2024 Vlefshmëria 06-28-2024 deri më 06-27-2029
73 Master of Arts Korno dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 108 datë 17.05.2024 Vlefshmëria 05-17-2024 deri më 05-16-2029
74 Master of Arts Klarinetë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 105 datë 17.05.2024 Vlefshmëria 05-17-2024 deri më 05-16-2029
75 Master of Arts Fagotë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 34 datë 12.01.2024 Vlefshmëria 01-12-2024 deri më 01-11-2030
76 Master of Arts Oboe dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 110 datë 17.05.2024 Vlefshmëria 05-17-2024 deri më 05-16-2030
77 Master of Arts Flaut dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 36 datë 12.01.2024 Vlefshmëria 01-12-2024 deri më 01-11-2030
78 Master of Arts Kontrabas dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 121 datë 28.06.2024 Vlefshmëria 06-28-2024 deri më 06-27-2029
79 Master of Arts Violinçel dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 126 datë 28.06.2024 Vlefshmëria 06-28-2024 deri më 06-27-2029
80 Master of Arts Violë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 125 datë 28.06.2024 Vlefshmëria 06-28-2024 deri më 06-27-2029
81 Master of Arts Violinë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 127 datë 28.06.2024 Vlefshmëria 06-28-2024 deri më 06-27-2029
82 Master of Arts Piano dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 111 datë 17.05.2024 Vlefshmëria 05-17-2024 deri më 05-16-2029
83 Master of Arts Skulpturë Qeramikë HEI Unit: Department of Sculpture
84 Master of Arts Skulpturë HEI Unit: Department of Sculpture
85 Master of Arts Pikturë Monumentale HEI Unit: Department of Painting
86 Master of Arts Pikturë Kavaleti HEI Unit: Department of Painting
87 Master of Arts Pikturë Multimedia HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts
88 Master of Arts Pikturë Tekstili dhe Mode HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts
89 Master of Arts Pikturë Grafik HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts
90 Master of Arts Regji Filmi dhe Televizion HEI Unit: Department of Direction and Film & TV Direction
91 Master of Arts Koreografi HEI Unit: Department of Scenography-Choreography
92 Master of Arts Skenografi - Kostumografi HEI Unit: Department of Scenography-Choreography
93 Master of Arts Aktrim HEI Unit: Department of Acting and Theory
94 Master of Arts Regji Teatri dhe Spektakli HEI Unit: Department of Direction and Film & TV Direction
95 Master of Arts Kompozim HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
96 Master of Arts Dirizhim HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
97 Master of Arts Trombonë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
98 Master of Arts Korno HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
99 Master of Arts Trombë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
100 Master of Arts Fagotë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
101 Master of Arts Oboe HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
102 Master of Arts Klarinetë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
103 Master of Arts Flaut HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
104 Master of Arts Kontrabas HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
105 Master of Arts Këngë Lirike HEI Unit: Department of Canto
106 Master of Arts Violonçel HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
107 Master of Arts Violë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
108 Master of Arts Violinë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
109 Master of Arts Piano HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation