DUALBA PROJECT (www.dualba.ef.uns.ac.rs)
The main aim of the project is to improve the competencies of higher education graduates in Albania through the development of a generic model of dual education (DUALBA model) and a legal and strategic framework for the introduction of dual education in order to support different needs and interests of students, companies, higher education institutions (HEIs), and to provide recommendations to HEIs for the implementation of dual education in Albania.
The model will be implemented as a pilot test in five universities in Albania.
The overall aims of the project are:
- Improvement of competencies of higher education graduates in Albania according to the needs of employers;
- Increase motivation to study as well as to improve the employability of graduate students;
- Enable students from lower-income families to access higher education;
- Improvement of the legal and strategic framework in Albania to adapt to dual higher education.
Objectives of the Project
- Implementation of dual education into the HE system in Albania
- Enabling students to learn more relevant knowledge and skills through dual education.
- Improvement of the legal and strategic framework in Albania to adapt dual education.
- Development of a generic model of dual education (DUALBA model) to support the different needs and interests of students, companies, HEIs and to provide recommendations to HEIs for the implementation of dual education in Albania.
- Improved cooperation between HEIs and employers (companies) through dual education.
Expected Results and Outcomes
- Improved competencies of higher education graduates in Albania according to the needs of employers,
- Increased motivation and employability of graduate students;
- Improved access to higher education for students from lower-income families;
- Improved legal and strategic framework in Albania to adapt to dual higher education.
Project Activities
- Analysis of practices and experiences in program countries.
- Study visits to program countries.
- Survey of companies' needs for DHE in Albania.
- Development of a generic DUALBA model.
- Organization of the Conference on DUALBA added value to the industrial sector.
- Discussion Forum on the proposed DUALBA model with key stakeholders and policymakers.
- Creating amendments to the legislation on HE and creating draft legislation on DE.
- Creating amendments to the Labor legislation.
- Creating amendments to the accreditation standards.
- Formulating recommendations for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Albania on implementing Dual Higher Education (DHE).
- Identification and conceptual definition of specific dual models.
- Presenting specific dual models to companies and making agreements for participation.
- Development of a toolkit for implementation and documentation of dual practice integrated HE programs.
- Pilot implementation and testing of specific dual models.
Project Partners:
- Universitet u Novum Sadu (SR) (Coordinator)
- FH Joanneum Gesellschaft MBH (AT)
- Business Academy in Novi Sad (RS)
- University of New York Tirana (AL)
- Tirana Business University (AL)
- Aleksander Moisiu University of Durres (AL)
- University ‘Ismail Qemali” Vlore (AL)
- European University of Tirana (AL)
- Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education (AL)
- Ministry of Education and Sport (AL)
- Drejtoria Rajonale e Trashegimise Kulturore Vlore (AL)
- Balkan Finance Investment Group SHPK (AL)
- Kalo & Associates (AL)
- Halimi Foundation Institute (AL)
- Kolegji Profesional i Tiranes (AL)
- Edion Leka – Omega (AL)
- Erled shpk (AL)
- Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Mondragon Unibertsitatea S COOP (ES)
Activities in the framework of the DUALBA project:
ENGINE - "Modernization of engineering curricula in renewable energy in Albanian Universities", co-financed by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union and directed by the Polytechnic University, brings together 11 partners. The project aims to modernize and internationalize the curricula of the VET and Bachelor in Engineering for Renewable Energies in the target universities in Albania through the innovation of the curricula following the new development in the area and the demand in the labor market. The use of renewable energy sources and the improvement of energy efficiency ensure a stable economy based on the conditions of scientific development. To fulfill all the national objectives and obligations set by the EU for the member countries, but also for the candidate countries (such as Albania), it is necessary to raise the awareness of the new generation about the use of RES, improve energy efficiency, and design curricula. and improving existing ones, training academic staff and building laboratories, and expanding the cooperation network with International Higher Education Institutions for the recognition and implementation of modern energy technologies.
Activities in the framework of the ENGINE project:
Activities in the framework of the SEQA-ESG project:
DualAFS is an EU-funded project in the field of education in Kosovo and Albania. It aims to improve the employability of graduates, knowledge, and innovative capacity in agricultural and zootechnical sciences, as well as improve business competitiveness in the agriculture and food sector to earn better income in the future. The project is structured in 9 work packages: WP1 – Project Establishment, WP2 – Baseline Survey Research, WP3 – Capacity Building and Learning Materials, WP4 – Curriculum Development, WP5 – Equipment, WP6 – Approval for Piloting and Accreditation, WP7 – Elements of the Quality Plan, WP8 – Dissemination of information about project activities and results, WP9 – Project management.
The Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education is one of the associated partners in this project.
Activities in the framework of the DUALAFS project: Click here