Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education

Decisions from the meeting of 11 May 2018

Note: The documents listed below are only available in Albanian.
To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 11 May 2018
  1. Decision No. 17, dt. 11.05.2018, “On opening the first cycle study program, Bachelor in "Greek Language and Civilization", of University College “LOGOS”.
  2. Decision No. 18, dt. 11.05.2018, “On opening the first cycl study program, Bachelor in "Teacher for preschool education”, of University College “LOGOS”.
  3. Decision No. 19, dt. 11.05.2018, “On opening the second cycle study program, Master of Science in “School and development psychology”, of “University Marin Barleti” HEI.
  4. Decision No. 20, dt. 11.05.2018, “On the accreditation of the second cycle study program, Professional Master in “Finance”, with profiles: Bank; Insurance; Accounting and financial reporting; Governance and Auditing; Fiscal Politics, of European University of Tirana”.
  5. Decision No. 21, dt. 11.05.2018, “On the periodical accreditation of the second cycle study program, Master of Science in "Business administration", with profiles: Business Marketing; Public Administration; European Economics, of European University of Tirana”.
Note: This decision is amended with the DAB No. 21/1, dated 13.07.2018
“On a correction in the Decision of the Accreditation Board No. 21, dated 11.05.2018
"On the periodical accreditation of the second cycle study program, Master of Science in "Business Administration", with profiles:
"Business Marketing", "Public Administration", "European Economics", of European University of Tirana".
To view the content in albanian, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 13 July 2018

6. Decision No. 22, dt. 11.05.2018, “On the periodical accreditation of the second cycle study program, Master of Science inPrivate and Business Law ", with profiles: Private Law; Business Law, of European University of Tirana”.

7. Decision No. 23, dt. 11.05.2018, “On the periodical accreditation of the second cycle study program, Master of Science inCommunication - Public Relations", with profiles: Studies and theories of communication; Public relations, of European University of Tirana”.

8. Decision No. 24, dt. 11.05.2018, “On the periodical accreditation of the Higher Education Institution University College “Qirjazi””.