Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education

University College "Qiriazi"

Licensing Document: VKM Nr. 274, datë 10.05.2006
Accreditation Document: Vendim BA Nr. 52, datë 09.09.2022
Category: College
Type: Private
Status: Active
Address: Kodër Kamëz, Tiranë
Tel: +355 047200844
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.qiriazi.edu.al
  1. Akreditim institucional
  1. Akreditim institucional
Diplomë profesionale Hotels & Tourism
Diplomë profesionale "Food technology" in the profiles "Liquid and Water Technology", "Plant Product Technology" and "Animal Technology"
Diplomë profesionale "Information Technology" in profiles "Information Technology and Communication", "Electronics" and "Web Design"
Bachelor Business Management
Master profesional Finance
Master i shkencave Business Administration
Master i shkencave Finance
Master profesional Business Administration
Master profesional Business Laywer
Master i shkencave Civil and Commercial Law
Bachelor Business Law
No. Study program Information
1 Professional diploma "Asistent ligjor dhe administrativ" HEI Unit: Department of Civil and Business Law
2 Professional diploma Kujdes Social dhe Shëndetësor HEI Unit: Department of Education, Social Sciences and Sports Recreation
3 Professional diploma "Teknologji ushqimore", në profilet "Teknologji e pijeve dhe ujit", "Teknologji e produkteve bimore" dhe "Teknologji e produkteve shtazore" HEI Unit: Department of Food Technology and Tourism

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr . 83, datë 04.11.2022 Vlefshmëria 11-04-2022 deri më 11-03-2025
4 Professional diploma "Teknologji informacioni", në profilet "Teknologji informacioni dhe komunikim", "Elektronikë" dhe "Web Design" HEI Unit: Department of Information Technology

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 70 datë, 10.09.2022 Vlefshmëria 09-10-2022 deri më 09-09-2025
5 Bachelor Edukim Fizik dhe Sporte HEI Unit: Department of Physical Education and Sports
6 Bachelor E Drejtë Biznesi HEI Unit: Department of Civil and Business Law

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me kusht me Urdhër Nr. 369, datë 12.11.2009 Vlefshmëria 11-12-2009 deri më 11-12-2010
2 - Akredituar me Vendim Nr. 89 datë 2010-09-03 Vlefshmëria 09-03-2010 deri më 09-03-2016
3 - Akredituar me Vendim Nr. 107 datë 02-11-2019 Vlefshmëria 11-02-2019 deri më 09-30-2022
7 Professional Master Jurist me drejtim biznesi HEI Unit: Department of Civil and Business Law

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim Nr. 108 datë 02-11-2019 Vlefshmëria 11-02-2019 deri më 09-30-2021
8 Master of Science E Drejtë Penale HEI Unit: Faculty of Law
9 Master of Science E Drejtë Civile dhe Tregtare HEI Unit: Department of Civil and Business Law

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim Nr. 109 datë 02-11-2019 Vlefshmëria 11-02-2019 deri më 00-00-0000
10 Master of Science E Drejtë Publike Administrative HEI Unit: Faculty of Law
11 Master of Science(IP) Drejtësi HEI Unit: Department of Public and Administrative Law