Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education

University College "Pavarësia Vlorë"

Licensing Document: VKM Nr. 279, datë 12.03.2009
Accreditation Document:
Category: College
Type: Private
Status: Closed
Address: Bulevardi Vlorë– Skelë, PO. Box 4358 Posta Vlorë, AL – 9401 Vlorë, Shqipëri.
Tel: +35533411555/666
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.unipavaresia.edu.al
  1. Akreditim institucional
  1. Akreditim institucional
No. Study program Information
1 Bachelor Shkenca Politike HEI Unit: Department of Law and Political Sciences

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Urdhër Nr. 290, datë 2012-07-09 Vlefshmëria 07-09-2012 deri më 07-09-2018
2 Bachelor Drejtësi HEI Unit: Department of Law and Political Sciences

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Urdhër Nr. 290, datë 2012-07-09 Vlefshmëria 07-09-2012 deri më 07-09-2018
3 Bachelor Inxhinieri Informatike HEI Unit: Department of Informatics Engineering

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Urdhër Nr. 290, datë 2012-07-09 Vlefshmëria 07-09-2012 deri më 07-09-2018
4 Professional Master Specialist i së Drejtës për Administratën Publike HEI Unit: Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
5 Professional Master Specialist i së Drejtës për Sistemin Bankar HEI Unit: Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
6 Professional Master Specialist i së Drejtës për Shoqëritë Tregtare HEI Unit: Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
7 Professional Master Administrim Sistemesh dhe Rrjetesh HEI Unit: Faculty of Applied Sciences
8 Professional Master Specialist Programues Sistemesh Software HEI Unit: Faculty of Applied Sciences
9 Professional Master Aplikime Sistemesh Informative në Administratën Publike HEI Unit: Faculty of Applied Sciences
10 Master of Science Informatikë Ekonomike HEI Unit: Department of Informatics Engineering
11 Master of Science Inxhinieri Informatike HEI Unit: Department of Informatics Engineering
12 Master of Science E Drejtë Private dhe e Drejtë Ndërkombëtare Private HEI Unit: Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
13 Master of Science E Drejtë Publike dhe e Drejtë Ndërkombëtare Publike HEI Unit: Department of Law and Political Sciences
14 Master of Science Diplomaci dhe Politikë Ndërkombëtare HEI Unit: Department of Law and Political Sciences
15 Master of Science Studime Europiane HEI Unit: Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
16 Master of Science(IP) Arkitekturë HEI Unit: Department of Architecture
17 Master of Science(IP) Drejtësi HEI Unit: Department of Law and Political Sciences