Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education

ASCALE took part in the presentation of the ANVUR 2023 report.

Director of the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ASCAL), Dr. Xhiliola Bixheku, at the invitation of the President of the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Systems (ANVUR), Prof. Dr. Antonio Felice Uricchio, participated in the presentation of the ANVUR 2023 Report titled "Training in the Medical Field," held in Rome at the Chamber of Deputies.
During the presentation of the Report, ANVUR Director Dr. Daniele Livon emphasized the importance of preparing such a report in the current context, where study programs in the field of medicine are located, particularly the necessity of specialized medical service, and presented the conclusions drawn during the data analysis.
At this meeting, the Rectors of Italian Universities discussed the issues they and the students face at the institutional level, as well as the challenges arising due to globalization, where the medical field holds significant weight due to dynamic social developments.
In her welcoming speech, the ASCAL Director appreciated the work in preparing this Report and expressed the idea of ​​producing a similar report for our country.
Also invited to this event organized by ANVUR was Prof. Entela Haloçi.