Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education

25th Anniversary of ASCAL!

The Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education celebrates today its 25th anniversary, marking an important milestone in its mission to support and improve the quality of higher education in Albania. Since its establishment in 1999, ASCAL has been the institution that first introduced and developed the culture of quality assurance in higher education institutions over the years.

As we are honored to celebrate 25 years of dedicated service to improving higher education in Albania, ASCAL, with a strong legacy built over these years, is poised to continue its important role in promoting and ensuring quality higher education in the country and to ensure that Albanian students benefit from the highest quality educational experience.

ASCAL wishes to express its gratitude to the agency's staff, former leaders and employees, members and former members of the Accreditation Board, higher education institutions, external evaluation experts, and other stakeholders, for their invaluable cooperation and contribution over these 25 years in fulfilling its mission.