Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education

Decisions from the meeting of January 12 and 13, 2024

Note: The documents listed below are only available in Albanian.
To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of January 12 and 13, 2024

  • Decision No. 1, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Professional Master in "Nursing Management" at the University of Elbasan "Aleksandër Xhuvani";
  • Decision No. 2, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Professional Master in "Imaging Technique" at the University of Elbasan "Aleksandër Xhuvani";
  • Decision No. 3, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of study 2 - year, with a professional diploma in "Laboratory Technology" at the University of Elbasan "Aleksandër Xhuvani";
  • Decision No. 4, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's degree program in "Laboratory Technique" at the University of Elbasan "Aleksandër Xhuvani";
  • Decision No. 5, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Professional Master in "Laboratory Technique", at the University of Elbasan "Aleksandër Xhuvani";
  • Decision No. 6, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Master of Science in "Environmental Protection", at the University of Elbasan "Aleksandër Xhuvani";
  • Decision No. 7, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Master of Science in  "Educational Psychology", at the University of Elbasan "Aleksandër Xhuvani";
  • Decision No. 8, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's degree program in "Social Worker", at the University of Elbasan "Aleksandër Xhuvani";
  • Decision No. 9, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Professional Master in "Teacher in physical education and sports" with a minor profile in Health Education at the University of Elbasan "Aleksandër Xhuvani";
  • Decision No. 10, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's degree program in "Teacher for preschool education" at the University of Elbasan "Aleksandër Xhuvani";
  • Decision No. 11, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Master of Science in "Management" at the University of Elbasan "Aleksandër Xhuvani";
  • Decision No. 12, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's degree program in "Banking - Finance" at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durres";
  • Decision No. 13, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Master of Science in "Finance - Accounting" at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durres";
  • Decision No. 14, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's degree program in "Finance - Accounting" at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durres";
  • Decision No. 15, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Master of Science in "The insurance industry and risk management" at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durres";
  • Decision No. 16, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's degree program in "Communication and Digital Marketing" at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durres";
  • Decision No. 17, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the 2-year professional program in "Web Application and Graphic Design" at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durres";
  • Decision No. 18, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the 2-year professional program in "Construction Management" at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durres";
  • Decision No. 19, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the 2-year professional program in "Automotive Technology" at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durres";
  • Decision No. 20, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the 2-year professional program in "Administrative Assistant" at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durres";
  • Decision No. 21, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the 2-year professional program in "Hydrotechnics, Water Supply, and Sewerage" at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durres";
  • Decision No. 22, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the 2-year professional program in "Electronic Equipment Specialist" at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durres";
  • Decision No. 23, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's degree program in "Economics and Rural Development Policies" at the Agriculture University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 24, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Professional Master in "Banking Finance" at the Agriculture University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 25, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Professional Master in "Accounting and Auditing" at the Agriculture University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 26, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Professional Master in "Rural Tourism Management" at the Agriculture University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 27, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the 2-year professional program in "Agrotourism and Hospitality" at the Agriculture University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 28, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's degree program in "Environmental Science" profile "Natural Resource Management" at the Agriculture University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 29, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the 2-year professional program in  "Information Systems Management" at the Agriculture University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 30, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's degree program in "Environmental Science" profile "Food Science and Nutrition" at the Agriculture University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 31, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Master of Science in "Food Biotechnology" at the Agriculture University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 32, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Master of Arts in "Acting and Teaching"  at the University of Arts";
  • Decision No. 33, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Master of Arts in "Conducting and Teaching"  at the University of Arts";
  • Decision No. 34, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Master of Arts in "Bassoon and Teaching"  at the University of Arts";
  • Decision No. 35, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Professional Master in "Accordion and Teaching"  at the University of Arts"
  • Decision No. 36, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Master of Arts in "Flute and Teaching"  at the University of Arts";
  • Decision No. 37, Dated 12.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Professional Master in "Guitar and Teaching"  at the University of Arts"
  • Decision No. 38, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's degree program in "Multimedia and Digital Television" at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durres";
  • Decision No. 39, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the periodic accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Master of Science in "Political Science and International Relations" at the "EPOKA" University";
  • Decision No. 40, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the periodic accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Master of Science in "Political Science and International Relations" at the "EPOKA" University";
  • Decision No. 41, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the periodic accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Professional Master in "Finance - Banking" at the "EPOKA" University";
  • Decision No. 42, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the periodic accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's degree program in "Economics" at the "EPOKA" University";
  • Decision No. 43, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's degree program in "Business Informatics" at the "University of New York, Tirana";
  • Decision No. 44, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's degree program in "Psychology" at the "University of New York, Tirana";
  • Decision No. 45, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's degree program in "Computer Science" at the "University of New York, Tirana";
  • Decision No. 46, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the periodic accreditation of the 2-year professional program in "Electro-Mechanics" at the Professional College of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 47, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the periodic accreditation of the 2-year professional program in "Electronics" at the Professional College of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 48, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the periodic accreditation of the 2-year professional program in "Geodesy" at the Professional College of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 49, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the periodic accreditation of the 2-year professional program in "Database and Web Design" at the Professional College of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 50, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the periodic accreditation of the second cycle Master of Science in "Financial Accounting," with profile "Auditing Accounting" at the University College of Business";
  • Decision No. 51, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the periodic accreditation of the second cycle Master of Science in "Business Management," with profiles "Public Administration" and "Marketing Management" at the University College of Business";
  • Decision No. 52, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the periodic accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's degree program in "Applied Informatics"  at the "Barleti" University";
  • Decision No. 53, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the first accreditation of the second cycle Master of Science in "Digital Marketing" at the University College "Canadian Institute of Technology";
  • Decision No. 54, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the accreditation of the higher education institution "Mediterranean University of Albania";
  • Decision No. 55, Dated 13.01.2024 "On the approval of the "Annual List of Local and Foreign Evaluation Experts"";