Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education

Decisions from the meeting of 20 October 2023

Note:  The documents listed below are only available in Albanian.
To view their content, click on the link: Decisions from the meeting of 20 October 2023


  • Decision No. 111, Dated 20.10.2023 On thefirst accreditation of the second cycle Master of Science study program in "Business Administration profiles: a.Management; b.Human Resources Management", of the University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 112, Dated 20.10.2023 On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle Master of Sciences in "Economics", of the University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 113, Dated 20.10.2023 On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's study program in "Biology", of the University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 114, Dated 20.10.2023 On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's study program in "Biotechnology", of the University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 115, Dated 20.10.2023 On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor study program in "Physics", of the University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 116, Dated 20.10.2023 On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor study program in "English language", with "English language profiles; a.English; b.Translation and Interpretation; c.British and American Studies", of the University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 117, Dated 20.10.2023 On the first accreditation of the second cycle Professional Master's study program in "EU Business Law", of the University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 118, Dated 20.10.2023 On the first accreditation of the study program of the second cycle master of sciences in "Legislation and European Institutions",  of the University of Tirana";
  • Decision No. 119, Dated 20.10.2023 On the periodic accreditation of the second cycle Master of Science study program in "Software Engineering", of the "University College "Canadian Institute of Technology"
  • Decision No. 120, Dated 20.10.2023 On the periodic accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor study program in "Software Engineering", of the "University College "Canadian Institute of Technology"
  • Decision No. 121, Dated 20.10.2023 On the periodical accreditation of the second cycle Master of Science study program in "Computer Engineering and Information Technology", with profiles: "Computer Engineering and Big Data"; "Network and Cybersecurity"; "Multimedia-Design", of the "University College "Canadian Institute of Technology"
  • Decision No. 122, Dated 20.10.2023 On the periodic accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's study program in "Business Administration and Information Technology", of the "University College "Canadian Institute of Technology"
  • Decision No. 123, Dated 20.10.2023 On the periodic accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor study program in "Business Administration", of the "University College "Canadian Institute of Technology"
  • Decision No. 124, Dated 20.10.2023 On the periodic accreditation of the second cycle Master of Science study program in "Business Administration", of the "University College "Canadian Institute of Technology"
  • Decision No. 125, Dated 20.10.2023 On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor study program in "Economics and Finance", with "Economics" profile; "Finance" and "Accounting", of the University of New York, Tirana"
  • Decision No. 126, Dated 20.10.2023 On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's study program in "Applied Banking and Finance", of University of New York, Tirana"
  • Decision No. 127, Dated 20.10.2023 On the periodic accreditation of the second cycle Master of Science study program in "Economics", of  the "EPOKA" University"
  • Decision No. 128, Dated 20.10.2023 On the periodic accreditation of the second cycle Master of Sciences study program in "Electronics and Communications Engineering", of the "EPOKA" University"
  • Decision No. 129, Dated 20.10.2023 On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor study program in "Nursing", of  the "University College "REALD"
  • Decision No. 130, Dated 20.10.2023 On the first accreditation of the second cycle study program Integrated Master of Sciences in "dentistry", of  the"University College "REALD"
  • Decision No. 131, Dated 20.10.2023 On the periodic accreditation of the second cycle study program Integrated Master of Sciences in "Dentistry", of the Albanian University"
  • Decision No. 132, Dated 20.10.2023 On the periodic accreditation of the second cycle Master of Science study program in "Banks and Financial Markets", of the Luarasi University"
  • Decision No. 133, Dated 20.10.2023 On the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor's study program in "Mathematics - Informatics", of the "Fan S. Noli" University"
  • Decision No. 134, Dated 20.10.2023 On the first accreditation of the first cycle bachelor's study program in "Rehabilitation Sciences", of the University of Sports of Tirana"
  • Decision No. 135, Dated 20.10.2023 On some changes in Decision of BA no. 98, date 16.12.2022, "For the first accreditation of the first cycle Bachelor study program in "Laboratory Technician in Medicine", of  the"University College "REALD"
  • Decision No. 136, Dated 20.10.2023 On some changes in Decision of BA no. 53, dated 14.04.2023, "For the periodic accreditation of the second Professional Master's cycle study program in "Physiotherapy", of  the"University College "REALD"